Russell Street School Impressions - Haley Oyervidez

After researching Russell Street Schools communication through blogging, I was very intrigued.  I felt that it created a warm, fun environment.  As as parent, I would love to see what is going on in and out of my child's classroom in this way.  My youngest son (2) goes to a daycare that regularly posts pictures and updates to their facebook page.  This is such a fun way to see my son happy and engaged when I normally wouldn't see this, since I am not there.  It's hard to get much out of my oldest son (11) besides the fact that his day was good.  I don't get many details, so seeing him and his classmates write blog posts about their experiences would be great talking points for us.  I see how it could make parents feel like they are more a part of their child's school experience, especially if they are unable to attend events like many parents do in elementary school.

My only concern is privacy like many others have stated.  I am sure that Russell Street School had to have permission from parents for their child's face or personal information to be posted onto their blog site, but it is still a concern.  Many times we don't always read completely through what we are signing from our child's school, because we trust that it is necessary.  As a parent, I would love seeing my children in as many pictures as they wanted to post, but I would feel safer with a parent login.  I would think there would be a way to make that happen.   Overall, I think the idea is fabulous, and I will be looking into a way to do this for my high school math classroom.


  1. Hi Haley! You mentioned that the daycare for your 2 year old posts their pictures on Facebook. Is it a public page for all to see or do you have to be "friends" with the school to see the pictures? I agree that for middle school kids blogging a great information tool since some tend to leave out valuable details about their day.

  2. I agree with your observations and like the fact that parents can see school activities. My daughter's school post a weekly newsletter but we don't see individual class activities on a regular basis. I wonder if the Russell Street School has room parents? They may be able to leverage parent volunteers for their classroom blogging. This way, it takes some of the responsibility from the teacher and allows the parents to help with providing consistent content.


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